VRI Provided at Various Locations

#LosAngelesCounty #LosAngeles #LAFires #Resources #Recovery #PalisadesFire #EatonFire
@CountyOfLA @CityOfLosAngeles
Evacuation and Shelter Sites
As a covered entity under Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Los Angeles does not discriminate on the basis of disability.
➡️ Upon request, the City will provide reasonable accommodations and auxiliary aids and services to ensure effective communication and equal access to its programs, services, and activities.
➡️ Video Remote Interpreting (VRI), including services for American Sign Language and other languages, is always available at emergency support centers.
➡️ For more information about accessibility services at emergency support centers or to make a request, please notify any staff member on-site.
Visit laparks.org/emergency for up-to-date details on evacuation sites and emergency shelter locations.
Resources & Assistance
Local Assistance and Disaster Resource Centers are opening to support individuals with the following:
➡️ Lost vital records (birth certificates, death certificates, driver’s licenses, social security documentation)
➡️ Disaster relief for people with homes and businesses lost or damaged by the fire.
➡️ They will provide referrals for mental health counseling and other services.
Virtual Remote Interpretation for language translation will be available during operating hours. In-person American Sign Language will be available during the following time periods:
➡️ January 15, Wednesday 11 am to 3 pm
➡️ January 17, Friday 3 pm to 7 pm
➡️ January 19, Sunday 11 am to 3 pm
ID: A flyer titled “Local Assistance & Disaster Resource Centers for Angelenos Affected by Wildfires.” It announces that the city and county, in partnership with FEMA and the state, are opening local assistance and disaster resource centers as a one-stop shop for Angelenos to access assistance, recovery services, and resources.
The flyer provides details for two locations:
Westside: UCLA Research Park (formerly Westside Pavilion)
Address: 10850 W Pico Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90064
Opens: Tuesday, January 14 at 1 pm
Hours: Open daily from 9 am to 8 pm starting Wednesday, January 15
Eastside: Pasadena City College Community Education Center
Address: 3035 E. Foothill Blvd., Pasadena, CA 91107
Hours: Open daily from 9 am to 8 pm
Additional notes state that VRI (Video Remote Interpreting) will be available onsite for the duration of the centers. Information about in-person ASL interpreters can be found at Emergency.LACity.gov/Recovery. For accessibility services at these resource centers, residents are directed to contact emd.dafn@lacity.org or call 311.
At the bottom, the flyer includes two websites for more information: LACity.gov and CA.gov/LAFIRES. Logos of the City of Los Angeles, Karen Bass (Mayor of Los Angeles), FEMA, and Cal OES are displayed at the bottom.
The flyer has a blue background with white text and features a small accessibility symbol near the text about requesting services.
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