Emergency Disaster Preparedness

Emergency Disaster

Emergency and Disaster One Stop Center for the deaf, hard of hearing, deafblind, and late-deafened communities in Southern California.

Five Easy Steps to be disaster ready:

Get Alerts

to know what to do.

Make A Plan

to protect your people.


GO BAG with things you need.


STAY BOX for when you can't leave.


friends and neighbors get ready.


Build An Emergency Kit

Protect Your Pet

Resources, Referrals, and Information


Resource Hub Preparedness

Take easy steps to be disaster ready with their resources and information

Ready Wildfire California

Act now to prepare, prevent, and minimize the damage of wildfires

Earthquake Warning California

Seconds of advance warning can provide opportunity to take life-saving actions


A nation-wide system providing lifesaving information for California


QuickMaps are provided by CalTrans for travel alerts before you go

Power Outage

Learn how you and your household to get prepared if you lose power

Local and County Disaster Preparedness

Los Angeles County Emergency

Notify LA

Important announcement by GLAD, CODIE, BGLAD, TCGLAD and OC DEAF about upcoming weather alert this week.

As reported by California Office of Emergency Services and national weather services: a strong storm to hit Southern California. Heavy rainfall may be expected starting on Wednesday evening and will last through the day on Thursday.

To keep our staff and communities safe during this potential storm, GLAD offices will be closed on Thursday, February 1. Our services are available over VP or email only on Thursday. No walk-ins.

📧email info@gladinc.org

📞VP at (323) 892-2225

Our services will resume in person on Monday, February 5, 2024.

The latest on the next storm ⛈️. This shaping out to be a life-threatening flooding situation especially during the Sunday through Monday time period. This is a lot of rain, with a potential for projections to go even higher. There is still time to prepare.


More info and resources: GLADinc.org/disaster


#WeatherAlert #WinterStorm #StormWarning 

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