GLADly Chat Episode 11

ID: Teal, pink, blue, purple and orange gradient background. On top center area, a teal paintbrush stroke background with white text showing content: “GLADly Chat” with GLAD, CODIE, OC DEAF, TCGLAD, B-GLAD logos underneath. One circled photo frame displaying David and David. Lower area with light to dark teal gradient background with curved edges, white text with content: “Episode 11:”, on left side a calendar icon with a date: Thursday, July 25. At center, white text with content: “Coming soon!”

Tune in on Thursday, July 25 for an interview with actors David Reynolds and David Savvedra from Jesus: A Deaf Missions Film on GLADly Chat Episode 11! Watch the video interview on Thursday, July 25th at 6 pm! Don’t miss it.

GLADly Chat Episode 11

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