Dr. Martin Luther King Jr Day

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter”.
Today, we honor the extraordinary Legacy of Dr Martin Luther King Jr. His brilliance, bravery and commitment to justice, equality, and righteousness has sparked many generations to stand-up against oppression, racism, and discrimination. Encouraging people to strive for a justice system and a world where all people treated fairly with respect and dignity.
With persistence and purpose, Dr. King ensured his voice and presence were felt as he tackled injustice head-on with grace and intelligence. He demonstrated a peaceful, nonviolent way to confront the systemic mistreatment of Black Americans in the United States, changing the course of history.
Dr. King is not only a one of the forefathers of the Civil Rights Movement, but a trailblazer for equality. His work laid the foundation for all minority communities everywhere to continue stand strong and fight all kinds of injustice.
Happy Martin Luther King Jr Day!!
Visual Description

ID: Light grey background with all deaf agency logos at the top: GLAD, CODIE, BGLAD, TCGLAD, OCDEAF in a single row. On the left side is a black and red American flag. On the right side is large text in black font: “January 20, 2025”. At center, a large text from top to bottom in black and red font: “Martin Luther King Jr Day” and a quote by MLK: “True peace is not merely the absence of tension; it is the presence of justice”. On the right side is a graphic of Martin Luther King Jr.

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