As this year is coming near to a close, here’s a message from the CEO of GLAD (Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness), Dr. Patricia Hughes.
Hello! I’m Patty Hughes, CEO of Greater Los Angeles Agency on Deafness aka GLAD. I’d like to share my reflections from year 2023.
It was outstanding year in 2023! We went through a lot of changes with COVID-19 pandemic such as from staying home and then returning to the offices.
Now, we are attending the offices four days a week. On Fridays we do still provide services to consumers over VP or Zoom. If need to meet in person, contact GLAD to make an appointment.
With those changes, people from the community used to come by here for workshops.
Now things have changed.
More people are using Facebook, Zoom and live streaming to watch the workshop online. With gas prices going up and many people living long distances, we can use the new technology.
We are adapting with these changes by not staying in the past. We need to move forward to the future. We did a great job in 2023.
All agencies such as CODIE, TCGLAD, OC DEAF, BGLAD, GLAD, EDD and LIFESIGNS are moving ahead by staying busy. And DAHC apartments on the third floor have full occupancy.
We have handled these challenges regarding the economy, gas prices going up, people losing their homes, not having enough food, etc. We have faced these challenges by seeking resources, finding information and referrals to make sure the consumers receive services they need. We are still moving ahead with providing those much needed services.
Now, we are looking forward to 2024, which is next week. 2023 is now in the rearview mirror and 2024 is right in front of us. Time goes fast!
We are excited about new things coming up.
We look forward to many events so look for more information and events in our monthly eNews. You can check which events are happening in your area such as various booth events all over Southern California for sure. We want to ensure we all are well represented in all regions.
We are working on more contracts, seeking grants and need more donations from people.
We are a nonprofit organization which needs more donations. We will always appreciate any donations you may contribute.
I would like to give many thanks to wonderful staff! I couldn’t even ask for such good staff and want to thank the Board of Directors for volunteering their time working with us too.
We look forward to 2024!
Stop by to say hello by either sending us an email, VP or in person! All of you are always welcome to visit any of our agencies.
We are excited to announce that we will celebrate 55th anniversary! Can you imagine in 2024 how huge the milestone it is for our organization.
We look forward to sharing more information with the communities soon.
Now, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank you all for staying with us and we wish you all a Happy New Year, good health and best future for everyone!
[Video description: The CEO is wearing purple sweater seated in front of the camera. Behind her are the framed deaf artwork.]