California Phones iPhone ASL Training | March 23 & 24

(A flyer with the CTAP logo at the top left. At right is a picture of a woman is signing to her iPhone on her couch. The following text is on the flyer)

FREE Virtual ASL iPhone Training

Contact us to attend a FREE virtual ASL training through Zoom or VP (Videophone) to help make your smartphone the best communication tool it can be!

Learn how to:

Use the basic functions of your iPhone

Use Siri by text

Explore the Accessibility menu… and much more!

To participate in a Zoom training you will need a computer or tablet, internet service and valid email address. 

To participate in a VP meeting, you will need a Videophone and a valid email address. Space is limited.

This is a two-part basic training. Both part 1 and part 2 are required to complete the training.

To register for a smartphone training:

Contact – Skippy Sumner

Email –

VP – 888-918-6499

FREE virtual training on how to make the best out of your iPhone’s accessibility features! Part One is on March 23 and Part Two is on March 24, 2022 from 1 to 2 pm PST. Space is limited.
To register, email or call 888-918-6499 VP.
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