ID: Black background. At top, both corners have pink ribbons and in middle the content is in white and pink text: “Pink October – Pink October Breast Cancer Awareness Month.” At center, two rows showing different types of bras plus a chest without a bra with following content in white and pink text: “1 in 8 individual will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.” At bottom, varying figures representing all genders with silhouette ranging from white to dark pink colors and logos of GLAD, CODIE, B-GLAD, TCGLAD and OC DEAF.
📢 October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Join GLAD, CODIE, BGLAD, TCGLAD and OC DEAF by raising awareness on breast cancer.
Breast cancer affects all people such as women, men, transgender, and gender non-conforming people, regardless of gender.
It is important to regularly check your chest. The most successful cancer prevention is early detection! For Breast Cancer Awareness Month, checking your chest area regularly is the best way to prevent your risk of severe breast cancer.